Thursday, September 10, 2009

tonight , i carry the world on my shoulders.

hadoken ,
i brought this upon myself ,and i must finish my duty .
tonight i carry the world on my shoulders , the kingdom is approaching.
i shall grab the key from the depts , and open the door .
thus approaching you , then i lift the world off your shoulders.
upon mine.
do you understand the meaning , the world is upon me , go be free .
i was sent from him , to carry out this mission .
2 minutes until the world is renewed.
1 minute remains .
i shall stop them from coming , you go and escape .
for i shall see you later on .
if you do not see your true self soon , you will always doubt yourself.
your doubtfulness shall be a downfall .
i cannot help you , for i have tried countless times , but i shall always try to help .
dear maiden , understand , will power can overcome anything ,
it is up to you to understand that though .
hadoken .
i brought this upon myself , and i must finish my duty .....

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